
Enhanced Barrier Precautions in Skilled Nursing FacilitiesDate: 04.05.22

Learning Objectives:
  • Describe the role their healthcare facility type plays in limiting further transmission throughout a jurisdiction.
    • To describe scenarios appropriate for Transmission-Based Precautions (when to use Contact Precautions, Enhanced Barrier Precautions, and Standard Precautions)
  • Identify infection prevention and control practices they should implement at their healthcare facilities to prevent MDRO transmission.
    • To describe Enhanced Barrier Precautions
    • To describe which residents need Enhanced Barrier Precaution
  • Recognize current practices for communicating a patient/resident MDRO status both inside and outside their facility and identify key strategies for improving inter-professional care through clear multidisciplinary communication
    • To understand the use and significance of interfacility and intra-facility forms during transfers
  • Dr. Heather Jones, DNP, NP-C
  • Dr. Kara Jacobs Slifka, MD, MPH
  • Linda Behan, BSN, RN, CIC

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